Effective supervision cannot be achieved without a safe supervisory relationship. Hence, Dr. Kang strives for making supervisees feel safe and empowered in clinical supervision.


Grounded in Relational-Cultural Therapy and feminist theories, Dr. Kang’s supervision philosophy focus on strength-building, egalitarian & power differentials, diversity & intersecting identities, empowerment, and change with sociopolitical and socioeconomic considerations.


In clinical supervision, Dr. Kang emphasizes here-and-now, use of self, and the parallel process existing among the supervisor-supervisee-client triad with an exploration of “the movement into and out of connection as well as the journey of discovery about self, others, and relationships” (Jordan, 1992, p. 8).


*Please email drkang@SocalWellness.org or call (949) 431-6610 for inquiries.